4 Ways to Support Social Media Startup Pepper the App

Hand holding phone with Pepper app on screen.

If you love Pepper the App’s business model and want to support them, you’re in luck. There are several ways to support startups that are easy and oftentimes — free! We have developed this list of four creative and impactful ways to support social media  startup Pepper the App.

1. Follow Pepper the App on Social Media

“Follow @peppertheapp on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Linkedin.”

2. Download Pepper

“Download Pepper on the iOS App Store by searching “Pepper” or at https://peppertheapp.page.link/NLtk

3. Visit the Website

“Learn more about our platform, team, and vision for the path forward at https://peppertheapp.com/

Share With Friends

“Invite your friends to Pepper! We are building a community for all of YOU, so please invite everyone you’d like to share food with.”

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