Insights From the Founder of Medtech Startup Bloom Diagnostics

Bloom Lab front.

Any entrepreneur can tell you, launching a startup is a learning process. Therefore, one of the best things you can do prior to launching a startup of your own is to learn from those who have blazed the trail. We were fortunate enough to hear some valuable insights during our interview with Angelica Kohlmann of medtech startup Bloom Diagnostics that will inspire, motivate, and teach aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

“Ask many questions but don’t necessarily follow any advice — do what you find right when you’re convinced.”

What is your advice for entrepreneurs in your industry specifically?

“In tech and biotech, there are no shortcuts. Don’t even try; you will lose time. Do the right thing straight from the beginning.”

What is your advice for coming up with a unique startup idea?

“A great idea with mediocre people will be less successful than a mediocre idea with great people. Focus on people, the greatest minds, and a good culture.”

What is your advice for overcoming challenges and failure?

“There will ALWAYS be failures, setbacks, [and] challenges. If you can’t cope with it, you shouldn’t start a company.”

What is the biggest lesson you learned and what can aspiring entrepreneurs take from it?

“There are 1,000 reasons to give up. You need stamina to succeed. But also, don’t think of your product only; think about your customer who will need or want your product. Only then will [you] have a [thriving] business.”

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