MyCompanyWorks DBA Review

Do you need a DBA or assumed name for your company? There are many different reasons why you might want one — maybe you want to open a business bank account, or add credibility to your sole proprietorship, or you just want to use an alternate name.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to decide which of the many DBA filing services is the best. I’ve been there myself! To complement your own research, my team and I have invested countless hours researching every major online DBA service.

In this MyCompanyWorks DBA review, I’ll walk you through some pros and cons, pricing, features, customer feedback and more. Read on to find out if they’re a good fit for your company!

Pros & Cons of MyCompanyWorks

Pros of MyCompanyWorks

  • The MyCompanyWorks website lists numerous positive reviews from satisfied customers taken from Shopper Approved. It’s encouraging to see so many positive reviews for a company you’re considering using for your DBA services.
  • Established in 2001, MyCompanyWorks has helped thousands of companies. According to its website, MyCompanyWorks also has “… grown into one of America’s largest providers of incorporation, LLC formation, and other small business services.”
  • MyCompanyWorks’ DBA filing services get the job done. It charges the industry-standard price — $99 — to help you file your DBA name, which some states also call a fictitious business name, an assumed name, or a trade name. Its filing service includes helping you verify the availability of your chosen name in the state where you plan to file.
  • The company provides clear explanations about what a DBA name is, what benefits it offers, and why you might want to get one.

Cons of MyCompanyWorks

  • Online reviews beyond those from the MyCompanyWorks Shopper Approved profile are few and far between — and the ones you can find aren’t great. There’s only one review on the company’s Better Business Bureau (BBB) profile page, and it’s one star out of five. Trustpilot has just two reviews for MyCompanyWorks, and both are one star out of five. There are many other DBA filing services that have great reviews on these sites.

MyCompanyWorks Alternative

LegalZoom is a good provider of DBA services due to its 100% satisfaction guarantee and unlimited access to business attorneys . Read Review


MyCompanyWorks DBA Pricing & Features

MyCompanyWorks offers just one DBA filing package, which includes the basics you’ll need to file a DBA name in your state. You also can add a few different extra services for an additional cost, depending on the type of business entity you operate.

BASIC = $99 + State Fee

What It Includes: This DBA filing service includes the standard services necessary to file a DBA name in your state, including a name search to verify the availability of your chosen name as well as the preparation and filing of your DBA documents.

Who It’s Right For: If you want to file a DBA name, the package offered by MyCompanyWorks will help you do so. You also can add a few extras, if desired, such as:

  • Obtain Federal Tax ID ($49)
  • Registered Agent Service ($99/year)

MyCompanyWorks Customer Reviews

Depending on where you look, you can find satisfied or unsatisfied customer reviews for MyCompanyWorks. All the feedback about the company on is positive, but the few reviews posted on the BBB website and Trustpilot are negative.

Customer Reviews Section Last Updated 7-23-20

Conclusion: While the customer reviews on Shopper Approved are numerous and nearly all positive, it’s unusual that reviews about MyCompanyWorks on trusted sites like BBB and Trustpilot are so negative. Overall, it seems that businesses that review companies on Shopper Approved love MyCompanyWorks while customers posting reviews on other trusted review sites are much less satisfied.

How Does MyCompanyWorks DBA Compare?

After researching so many online DBA services, I have a good idea of which ones offer the most for your money. But, while I have my own opinions, the main purpose of this review is to help you determine which service is right for your business.

MyCompanyWorks is a respectable company that’s served thousands of businesses. The numerous customer reviews found on one review site, Shopper Approved, are excellent. But, the reviews posted to other, more well-known review sites aren’t great. It’s worthwhile to consider the competition to see if you can find a company with more universally positive reviews. Let’s check out one of those competitors: LegalZoom.

Pricing: LegalZoom also offers one basic package priced at $99.

Features: Both companies offer the same basic services at the same price.

Experience: MyCompanyWorks has been in business since 2001 while LegalZoom began operating in 1999. Both claim to have helped thousands of businesses with formation services and other related services.



Pricing Starts at $99

In Business Since 1999

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Pricing Starts at $99

In Business Since 1999

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I File a DBA Independently?

Yes, you can certainly file for a DBA name on your own. You can find instructions online that will guide you through the process for your state. But, if you want to save time and potential headaches, you’re probably better off using a DBA filing service. If you’re interested in the DIY route, you also can check out our comprehensive how-to guide.

What’s Their Refund Policy?

MyCompanyWorks will provide a refund after you complete your order or it’ll correct the situation. But, you can’t get a refund for any of the fees MyCompanyWorks paid to your state for the filing process.

How Secure Is MyCompanyWorks?

MyCompanyWorks, similar to most other DBA filing services, uses a variety of third-party security technologies to protect your information like secure socket layer (SSL) encryption.

Do They Offer Ongoing Support?

MyCompanyWorks promises unlimited email and phone support after you place your order.

Should You Use MyCompanyWorks?

MyCompanyWorks gets a 4.8 from me for its DBA services. The company’s DBA filing service is sufficient and priced the same as many other competitors’ services. That being said, if this doesn’t sound like your perfect fit, check out our Best DBA Filing Services. Cheers!