Iowa Business Name Search

Learn how to complete a Iowa LLC name search

Before you form an LLC, register a fictitious name, or start a corporation, you’ll need to complete a business name search with the Iowa Business Entities Search tool to see if your name is unique.

In our Iowa Business Name Search guide, we’ll show you exactly how to check LLC name availability in Iowa.

Secure Your LLC Name Now

Northwest Registered Agent will register your business name when they form your LLC for $29 (plus state fees).

Start Now

The Iowa Secretary of State requires all business names to be distinguishable from other business entities in the state.

It’s also important to search for a matching domain name (URL).

You can check your business name availability by searching the Iowa Business Entities Search online database.

Recommended: If you don’t have a business name yet or find that yours is taken, use our LLC Name Generator.

When choosing a business name you’ll need to find out whether or not a good web domain name is available. Having a URL that clearly matches your business name is important. This small step can make a big difference in how prospective customers find your business.

The best way to determine if your desired URL is available is to search for it using your preferred domain registry, such as GoDaddy.

Domain Name Search

How to Register Your Business Name

Register Your Name

An LLC name is officially registered when you file your LLC application documents and form an LLC.

Ready to register your LLC name? Use our Iowa LLC guide to get started.

Registering a DBA in Iowa (also known as a fictitious name) is a separate process that requires filing with the Secretary of State.

Reserve Your Name

You can optionally reserve your LLC name in Iowa for up to 120 days before you officially register it. This prevents other businesses from registering your name until you have the opportunity to register it yourself.

Name reservations can be filed by mail with the Iowa Secretary of State. The fee is $10.

Iowa Naming Requirements

Some key guidelines for Iowa LLC names include:

  • Your name must contain one of the following terms or abbreviations: limited liability company, limited company, L. L. C., LLC, L. C., or LC. “Limited” may be abbreviated as “Ltd.,” and “company” may be abbreviated as “Co.”

  • Your name must be distinguishable from any existing business in the state. This includes Iowa reserved names.

Keep an eye out for restricted words. These words, such as “FBI” or “Treasury,” are often restricted to keep your LLC from sounding like an official institution.

For more information, check out Iowa’s official state statutes.


It is important that your name be distinguishable from all other business names. In Iowa, a distinguishable name is one that is substantively different from all other existing or reserved business names in the state.

Failure to use a distinguishable name could result in your formation filing being rejected.

Iowa LLC Name Search FAQ

How do I check if an LLC name is taken in Iowa?

You can use the Iowa Business Entities Search tool to see if your business name is available.

Learn more about business entity name availability in the How to Search Available LLC Names section.

Should I name my LLC after myself?

While there’s no rule against naming an LLC after yourself, most experts advise against doing this. 

One of the benefits of starting an LLC is the ability to choose a different name for your business, which can make it sound more professional.

To explore other naming options, use your free AI-powered LLC Name Generator.

What words can’t be used in an Iowa LLC name?

Business names generally can’t include words that imply the company is a banking or financial institution or that it’s affiliated with a local, state, or federal government agency.

Learn more about LLC naming requirements in the Iowa Naming Requirements section.

Should I use an LLC name generator?

If you’re having trouble choosing a name for your LLC, an LLC name generator can help you come up with some ideas.

What is a brand name?

A brand name is a name a company gives to a product or line of products. It can be the same as the company’s name or something different.

Learn more about branding with your business entity name with our How to Name an LLC guide.

Do I have to include LLC in my name?

Yes. Iowa requires that its LLCs use “Limited Liability Company” or one of its abbreviations (e.g., LLC or L.L.C.) in their legal name.

Learn more about LLC naming requirements in the Iowa Naming Requirements section.

Do I need to renew my business name in Iowa?

Iowa doesn’t require LLCs to renew their name.

Learn more about fictitious names with our Iowa DBA guide.

Can my business name be different from my LLC name in Iowa?

Some companies choose to operate under a name that’s different from their legal name. This can either be called a “doing business as” (DBA) name or a fictitious name in Iowa.

In Iowa, LLC fictitious names are filed with the Secretary of State.

Learn more about fictitious names with our Iowa DBA guide.

Does my LLC need a DBA name?

Your LLC doesn’t need a DBA name unless it plans to do business under a name other than its legal name. Learn more about Iowa DBAs by reading our guide to filing for a DBA and selecting Iowa from the dropdown menu.

Iowa Business Resources