The Growth of Software Startup Mimiran

Mimiran website.

Let’s face it: traditional CRMs aren’t built with individual consultants in mind. When we think of a traditional customer relationship management (CRM) tool, we often imagine a VP of sales in a large corporation keeping track of their sales reps, making sure sales quotas are met, and following along with a rigid set of standard operating procedures day-to-day.

While this may work in a corporate setting, individual consultants are their own VP of sales, their own sales rep, the CFO, CMO, and every other role combined into one! They don’t need the rigidity and limitations that come with traditional CRMs – rather, they should be able to get their work done with the assistance of a helpful tool that helps grow and nurture their network while helping them simplify operational tasks. 

This is the vision of software startup Mimiran, a fun “anti-CRM” built for independent consultants who hate selling and love serving their clients to the best of their ability. 

We’re going to walk through the origin story of Mimiran and then discuss what’s next for the startup as they continue growing and expanding the company.

Origin of the Startup Idea

Reuben Swartz, the founder of SaaS startup Mimiran, didn’t originally set out to build a CRM. 

He was a sales and marketing consultant who was struggling to use traditional tools like Salesforce and wanted to streamline the sales process for his own consulting work.

Swartz saw an opportunity in the market where he could streamline the sales process by building a proposal automation tool. Instead of leaving awkward voicemails asking if his recipients got his proposal, he was considering building an automated tool that would seamlessly handle every aspect of the business proposal process. 

After talking with a few interested individuals, they wanted to use it in their own sales workflows as well, and Swartz got to work building his tool. 

While Swartz never imagined he would build a sales automation tool that would become a full-blown CRM, he developed a solution to one of his own needs and then continued on to turn his solution into a rapidly growing startup company.

Development of the Startup

After building an initial version of what would become Mimiran and sharing his concept with others, the incredible feedback he was receiving caused Swartz to eventually turn his tool into a full-fledged app. 

His users were getting great results with his automated proposals, but a common complaint was how “clunky” their workflow was when transitioning from traditional CRM tools to Mimiran. 

This caused Swartz to listen to customer feedback and build Mimiran into a CRM custom-designed for independent consultants. Today, he is dedicated to Mimiran’s mission of helping independent consultants have a greater impact on more individuals while continuing to stay true to themselves in the process.

What’s Next for the Startup

As Mimiran continues to attract more and more independent consultants in order to help them simplify their sales processes, Swartz will continue to focus on making the app as user-friendly as possible and continuing to implement key features as they’re requested by frequent users. 

A SaaS application is never “complete” since there are always improvements, bug fixes, and additional features that can be added in order to improve the user experience. 

All in all, Mimiran is a startup that was able to successfully enter the crowded CRM space and stand out by dedicating itself to the independent consultant niche market. With continuous improvements and a focus on listening to user feedback, Mimiran will continue to grow and flourish within its industry.

Next Steps:

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