Insights From the Founder of SaaS Startup Plausible Analytics

Plausible Analytics founder.

Any entrepreneur can tell you, launching a startup is a learning process. Therefore, one of the best things you can do prior to launching a startup of your own is to learn from those who have blazed the trail. We were fortunate enough to hear some valuable insights during our interview with Marko Saric of SaaS startup Plausible Analytics that will inspire, motivate, and teach aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

“Just go for it. If you have a dream about doing something or [the] motivation to do something, don't wait too long and don't overthink things. Simply take smaller steps today and start getting closer to realizing that dream immediately.”

What is your advice for entrepreneurs in your industry specifically?

“[The] SaaS industry is tough and competitive, so you need to believe in yourself, your product, and your mission. And then you need to put in a lot of time and effort into doing this. Most of the time you may not see any immediate results either, so you need to keep pushing. It's a marathon and not a sprint.”

What is your advice for coming up with a unique startup idea?

“I don't think you need a unique startup idea. Everything has been done already, so if you think you must come up with something brand new and unique, you will probably never ever get started actually doing anything. Try to put your own unique spin and your own unique take on things that already exist rather than trying to come up with something completely brand new.”

What is your advice for overcoming challenges and failure?

“My advice is to not panic no matter what happened and to try and take some time to better understand what's going on and what steps you can take next. It always helps to … sit down and think through things rather than have an immediate overreaction. You may find that things are probably not as bad as they seemed to you at first.”

What is the biggest lesson you learned and what can aspiring entrepreneurs take from it?

“Anything is possible. You don't need to do something just because everyone else does it or because every blog post says that it is the best practice. For instance, you don't need to have investors in order to build and grow a startup. Or you don't need to pay money to Google and Facebook to do the marketing work for you. You can if you want and if it's the best option in your situation, but you don't need to. It is your choice and completely up to you, so do think and decide for yourself.”

Next Steps: 

Start your own startup by reading our How to Start a Startup guide.

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