Here’s How You Can Support Proptech Startup Ownwell

Ownwell website.

If you’re looking to get involved in the startup ecosystem, a great place to begin is supporting new and innovative companies like Ownwell — whether by working for a startup or by following them on social media. We asked Frank DiZenzo, founder of Ownwell, to share the most impactful ways to support their startup, and this is what they had to say. 

1. Use Ownwell’s Proptech Software

“If you're a property owner, sign up for our service! There's absolutely no downside, we only charge a service fee if we're successful in saving you money, and we're always adding more services to help more property owners save.”

2. Join The Ownwell Team

“If you're mission-driven and want to work at a fast-growing, impactful company where you'll have a high degree of autonomy, Ownwell could be a great fit for you.”

3. Tell Your Family and Friends

“Mention us to friends or family in the industry. We're always looking for more property owners and real estate investors who can help save money.”

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