Insights From the Founder of Social Media Startup KOLLAB

Founder of KOLLAB

Any entrepreneur can tell you, launching a startup is a learning process. Therefore, one of the best things you can do prior to launching a startup of your own is to learn from those who have blazed the trail. We were fortunate enough to hear some valuable insights during our interview with Derrick Fetz of KOLLAB that will inspire, motivate, and teach aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

“You need to decide early on if this is really what you want, and if it is, focus on taking one step at a time while constantly reminding yourself of the bigger picture.”

What is your advice for entrepreneurs in your industry specifically?

“If you own a business in the creative industry, make sure you're always putting artists first because you're nothing without them. And if you're an artist, remember where you came from, where you want to go, and never give up.”

What is your advice for coming up with a unique startup idea?

“Focus on what you love because it doesn't matter how good the idea is if there's no passion behind your work.”

What is your advice for overcoming challenges and failure?

“Expect them, because it's an important part of the process and helps turn you into the entrepreneur you need to be.”

What is the biggest lesson you learned and what can aspiring entrepreneurs take from it?

“You don't need anyone or anything to make it work, so focus on yourself, and the right people will come along when you're ready.”

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