Insights From the Founder of Food & Beverage Startup Human Improvement

Headshot of the founder of Human Improvement.

Any entrepreneur can tell you, launching a startup is a learning process. Therefore, one of the best things you can do prior to launching a startup of your own is to learn from those who have blazed the trail. We were fortunate enough to hear some valuable insights during our interview with Josh Campbell of Human Improvement that will inspire, motivate, and teach aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike.

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

“Don’t follow your passion. Find what problem[s] people have and solve them.”

What is your advice for entrepreneurs in your industry specifically?

“Act with integrity.”

What is your advice for overcoming challenges and failure?

“Realize very quickly that there will be many. Dust yourself off and get back out there.”

What is the biggest lesson you learned and what can aspiring entrepreneurs take from it?

“Focus and drive > doing many things.”

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