Founder of Healthcare Startup Clearity Health Shares Their Top Insights

Clearity Health leadership board.

Any entrepreneur can tell you, launching a startup is a learning process. Therefore, one of the best things you can do prior to launching a startup of your own is to learn from those who have blazed the trail. Shankar Arul, founder of healthcare startup Clearity Health, shared valuable insights during our interview that will inspire and motivate aspiring entrepreneurs.

Business Insights From the Founder of Clearity Health

What is your #1 piece of advice for startup founders?

“Take the leap. Many people think of ideas or have ideas but are too afraid to pursue them. If you don't start, then you'll always be left wondering, what if?”

What is the best method you've found to avoid burnout as an entrepreneur?

“Boundaries. Startups can be challenging emotionally and physically. You don't have to work on them 24/7. Take breaks. Set boundaries for time for yourself. If you are not there physically and emotionally, you will only harm your startup journey.”

What is your advice for coming up with a unique startup idea?

“We came up with our idea after identifying a problem within our field of work. Most people know the shortcomings of their individual fields of work. Find a shortcoming and see if there is any way to make it better.”

What is your advice for overcoming challenges and failure?

“Every failure or obstacle is a stepping stone. Learn from each experience, and the next time, you will do better.”

What is the biggest lesson you learned and what can aspiring entrepreneurs take from it?

“You cannot measure startup successes in leaps and bounds. It is the small steps that will eventually take you up over the mountain. Every day you should be taking small steps toward your goal. Somedays, you will take much larger steps but always keep moving forward.”

What is your advice for entrepreneurs seeking funding for the first time?

“We have noticed that funding can be very tricky. Some investors want large swaths of equity. The earlier the startup, the more equity that investors ask for. The longer you go without private equity and the more successful you are before you ask for funding, the better position you will be to negotiate.”

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