How to Start a Church

Starting a church is often inspired by a calling, a vision, or a deep desire to serve a community. 

This complete 15-step guide teaches you how to start a church from scratch. It covers every step, even formalizing your church as a nonprofit to ensure its legal standing and smooth operation.

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Starting a Church

Starting a church is a spiritual experience grounded in legal processes. While the mission might be divinely inspired, it’s important to set up your church to avoid legal repercussions. 

1. Define Your Foundational Beliefs (Mission Statement)

Your church’s core principles and beliefs shape your congregation’s direction, teachings, and community impact. Ultimately they become its mission statement and guiding focus.

  1. Assemble a team of foundational members to brainstorm core beliefs, visions, and missions. Try to come up with a belief statement that encapsulates your religious organization.
  2. Use religious doctrines and other church missions to shape your statement.
  3. Document your foundational beliefs, making sure they’re both aspirational and grounded in your chosen spiritual tradition.

To learn more, read our How to Write a Mission Statement for Your Nonprofit guide.

2. Formulate Church Bylaws

Bylaws are your church’s administration guidelines, guiding every aspect from memberships to leadership.

  1. Begin by outlining key elements: membership rules, leadership structures, and conflict-resolution methods.
  2. Use nonprofit formation services to ensure your bylaws are comprehensive and compliant.
  3. Regularly reassess your bylaws, adapting them as your church evolves.

To learn more, read our How to Write Bylaws for Your Nonprofit guide.

3. Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique identifier that’s more than just a tax requirement; it’s an essential administrative tool. To apply for one:

  1. Visit the IRS website, navigating to the EIN application segment.
  2. Fill out the necessary details, always double-checking for accuracy.
  3. Store the received EIN safely, making it accessible to authorized church officials.

To learn more, read our How to Get an EIN Number guide.

4. Secure Legal Establishment

Starting a church involves more than just a spiritual journey; there’s a vital legal process that ensures the church operates within the bounds of the law. Establishing your church as a nonprofit corporation is crucial for various reasons:

  • Credibility: When you’re legally recognized, it increases trust within the community and among potential donors. They can be confident that the church adheres to state and federal regulations.
  • Protection: As a nonprofit corporation, the personal assets of the church’s founders and members are generally protected from the church’s liabilities.
  • Structure: This legal entity provides a clear organizational structure, facilitating smooth operations and decision-making processes.

To learn more, read our Best Nonprofit Formation Services of 2024 review.

Steps to Ensure Legal Establishment:

  1. Research State-Specific Procedures: Each state has unique regulations and requirements for establishing a nonprofit. Begin by accessing your state’s business services division office for guidelines.
  2. Draft Articles of Incorporation: This is the foundational document of your church. It typically includes the church’s name, purpose, initial directors, and other basic information.
  3. Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses: Depending on your state and activities, you might need additional permits — like those for fundraising efforts.

Note that laws and regulations can change. Periodically review state and federal guidelines or consult with your nonprofit formation service to ensure ongoing compliance.

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5. Understand Nonprofit Status and 501c3 Designation

All churches inherently operate as nonprofits. A nonprofit is an entity designed to serve a public purpose rather than to provide financial benefit to any specific individual, group, or entity. For churches, this mission typically revolves around spiritual guidance, community outreach, and service.

However, while all churches are nonprofits, they don’t automatically have 501c3 status though many apply for it to receive the benefits it offers.

Why is 501c3 Status Important?

There are many reasons why having 501c3 status is important for churches. The most common include:

  • Tax Exemptions: Recognized 501c3 churches are exempt from federal income taxes. Additionally, donations made to such churches are tax-deductible for the donors.
  • Credibility: Achieving this status lends your church additional legitimacy in the eyes of potential donors and the public.
  • Eligibility for Grants: Many grant programs require 501c3 designation for eligibility.
  • Discounts: Some businesses offer discounts on products and services for 501c3 entities.

Securing 501c3 Status for Your Church

While many churches inherently operate as nonprofits, acquiring the 501c3 status from the IRS offers a myriad of advantages, from tax benefits to credibility. If you’re keen on understanding the intricacies of this designation and how to get there, you’re in the right place.

Steps to Obtain 501c3 Status for Your Church:

  1. Choose an Appropriate Name for Your Church: The name you pick should resonate with your church’s mission and align with your state’s naming regulations.
  2. Designate a Registered Agent: This person or entity will be responsible for receiving official documents on behalf of your church.
  3. Determine Your Board Members and Officers: These individuals play pivotal roles in the direction and day-to-day operations of the church.
  4. Submit Your Articles of Incorporation: This state-required document is crucial for incorporation. Note that its specific name might vary depending on your state.
  5. Establish Your Church Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Policy: These documents set the foundation for your church’s governance and ethical guidelines.
  6. Convene an Organizational Meeting: This initial meeting is essential for adopting bylaws, determining officer roles, and setting the church’s course. Always document the meeting’s minutes.
  7. Procure an Employer Identification Number (EIN): Consider this the “social security number” for your church, indispensable even if you don’t have any employees.
  8. Initiate the 501c3 Application Process: This step is central to ensuring your church’s tax exemption, provided certain criteria are met.
    1. Prepare Financial Statements: If your church is relatively new (less than three years old), you’ll need a current financial statement and two years of projected budgets. For churches older than three years, you’ll need to provide financial statements for the past three years.
    2. Complete IRS Form 8718: Attach this form with the appropriate “Exempt Organization Determination” fee to your application.
    3. Fill Out IRS Form 1023: This is the primary 501(c)(3) application form. Depending on your church’s details, there might be different variations of this form accessible on the IRS website.
  9. Open a Dedicated Nonprofit Bank Account: This account will help maintain a clear financial trail, enhancing your church’s transparency and credibility.
  10. Secure Insurance for Your Church: To safeguard your church’s assets against unforeseen incidents and legal scenarios, consider obtaining an insurance policy. Insurance not only provides a safety net but also boosts your church’s credibility.

Acquiring 501c3 status is undeniably an intricate process. Whether you choose to navigate these waters on your own or seek guidance from specialists in nonprofit formations, it’s essential to ensure that every step is taken with precision and compliance in mind.

6. Choose a Location and Space for Worship

Selecting an appropriate location is crucial when starting a church. For many, starting a church in your home offers intimacy and a unique sense of community.

  1. Evaluate Accessibility: If starting a church in your home, ensure it’s accessible to your target community, considering parking and public transportation.
  2. Assess Size and Capacity: Begin with a space fitting your initial congregation, but plan for future growth as your congregation expands.
  3. Consider Ambiance: Whether at home or elsewhere, the atmosphere should foster worship, reflection, and connection.
  4. Weigh Costs: Starting in a home can be cost-effective, but factor in potential expenses like seating or sound equipment.
  5. Ensure Safety and Compliance: Check local regulations on gatherings in residential areas, including safety standards and parking.
  6. Plan for Growth: If you outgrow your initial location, be prepared to transition to a larger space or venue.

7. Open a Church Bank Account

Having a church bank account ensures trust and allows your church to focus on its spiritual mission. 

Every nonprofit organization or religious organization needs a bank account, managed by a church official, to show financial transparency for church fundraising purposes.

Funds raised for the church should be deposited into the church’s bank account by the fundraising lead, or financial officer. 

  1. Explore banking options, prioritizing those familiar with nonprofit accounts.
  2. Collate necessary documentation: EIN, bylaws, and formation documents.
  3. Embrace online banking for hassle-free financial tracking and transactions.

To find the right banking option for you, visit our Best Business Bank Accounts review.

Besides a business bank account, you’ll also need these financial planning resources and the right nonprofit accounting software.

8. Secure Proper Insurance Coverage

Insurance is pivotal in shielding your church from unforeseen challenges, be it natural disasters, accidents, or other liability issues.

  1. Research different types of insurance coverage: propertyliabilityworkers’ compensation, and others specific to churches.
  2. Consult with a nonprofit formation service for guidance on the best insurance providers and plans tailored for religious establishments.
  3. Regularly review and update your coverage as your church grows and its needs change.

To learn more, read our Best Business Insurance review.

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9. Design Effective Fundraising Strategies

For a thriving church, especially during its formative stages, funds are crucial. Beyond regular tithes and offerings, diverse fundraising ideas can effectively support your mission and operations.

  1. Conduct a Needs Assessment: Clearly identify your church’s immediate financial goals to guide your strategies.
  2. Organize Traditional Fundraisers:
    • Community Events: Host bake sales, dinners, or auctions (possibly with other churches).
    • Talent Shows: Showcase church member talents for a fee or donation.
  3. Tap into Modern Avenues:
    • Crowdfunding: Use crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe for specific projects.
    • Online Workshops: Charge nominal fees for topics of community interest.
    Word of Mouth: Have members spread the word.
  4. Prioritize Publicity:
    • Digital Outreach: Use social media, church website, and email newsletters.
    • Local Media: Engage newspapers or radio stations.
    Word of Mouth: Have members spread the word.
  5. Maintain Transparency: Post-fundraiser, share amounts raised and its uses with your community. This trust-building step ensures future support.

Each fundraising activity should mirror your church’s core values, ensuring alignment with its foundational beliefs. To learn more, read our Fundraising for Nonprofits guide.

10. Recruit Volunteers

Volunteers are the backbone of any new church, driving its functions, outreach, and community building. Building a strong, committed volunteer base requires intentionality and ongoing support from church elders and other community members.

  1. Identify Needs: Before starting your recruitment, list down the areas you need help in, such as worship, community outreach, or children’s programs.
  2. Start Small: Instead of aiming for large numbers, prioritize finding a committed core team. This group’s passion can be infectious and set a positive tone for future recruits.
  3. Promote Opportunities: Use bulletins, social media, and word-of-mouth to advertise volunteer openings. Clearly define roles and expectations.
  4. Host Orientation Sessions: Welcome newcomers with sessions that introduce them to your church’s vision, mission, and operational methods.
  5. Invest in Training: Equip your volunteers with the resources and training they need. This might include workshops, online courses, or mentoring.
  6. Facilitate Engagement: Regular team-building activities can foster camaraderie among volunteers, ensuring they feel part of the church’s bigger picture.
  7. Show Appreciation: Recognize the hard work of your volunteers regularly. This can be through acknowledgment in gatherings, small tokens of appreciation, or occasional volunteer-only events.
  8. Seek Feedback: Engage your volunteers in feedback sessions. Their on-ground insights can provide invaluable perspectives for improvement and growth.

Remember, as your church grows, your volunteer needs may change. Be adaptive, and always prioritize the well-being and spiritual growth of your volunteers.

11. Plan Worship Services

Whether you’re starting a traditional or contemporary church, planning effective worship services requires thought, preparation, and intentionality.

  1. Identify Your Church’s Style: Is your church traditional, contemporary, or a mix? Your worship style should resonate with your target congregation while staying true to your foundational beliefs.
  2. Determine the Order of Service: Outline the sequence of events, such as the opening prayer, hymns, scripture readings, sermon, and closing benediction. This helps ensure a smooth flow and keeps the service engaging.
  3. Select Musical Elements: Whether you have a full choir, a worship band, or simple acapella hymns, choose music that aligns with the day’s message and evokes the desired emotional and spiritual responses.
  4. Prepare the Message: The sermon is a focal point of most services. Pastors should invest time in studying, praying, and crafting a message that’s both biblically sound and relevant to modern lives.
  5. Incorporate Multimedia: Consider using visuals, videos, or slides to complement the message, especially if catering to a younger audience.
  6. Engage the Congregation: Incorporate interactive elements like group prayers, testimonies, or moments for reflection. This makes the service more immersive.
  7. Rehearse: Especially in the early stages, hold rehearsals with all participants – from the choir to the ushers. This ensures everyone knows their role and can help identify any potential issues before the actual service.
  8. Gather Feedback: After the service, encourage feedback from attendees. This can provide valuable insights to improve future services.

Remember, church attendance is directly affected by the quality of your worship space, church staff, spiritual community, youth ministry, church events, and particularly your worship services.

12. Foster Religious Education

Religious instruction is a cornerstone for any church. It’s not just about imparting knowledge but also igniting a passion for spiritual growth, especially among the younger generation. 

With a well-thought-out approach, religious education can become a transformative experience that helps solidify the church’s foundation and ensures its continuity.

  1. Segment Your Audience: Recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. Create specific curricula tailored for different age groups – from toddlers to adults. This ensures activities resonate and are age-appropriate.
  2. Integrate Core Teachings: Every curriculum should incorporate and emphasize your church’s foundational beliefs, ensuring consistency in spiritual teaching.
  3. Diversify Teaching Methods: Apart from traditional classes, consider interactive workshops, games for children, and retreats. This variety can cater to different learning styles and keep participants engaged.
  4. Engage Parents and Guardians: They play a crucial role in a child’s spiritual journey. Regularly communicate with them, get their feedback, and understand their expectations. This collaboration ensures you’re meeting the spiritual needs of the whole family.
  5. Invest in Continuous Training: Regularly update your religious educators about the latest teaching methods and provide resources. An empowered teacher can make a significant difference in the lives of their students.

Religious education isn’t just about learning; it’s about living one’s faith. By fostering a robust educational environment, churches can guide their congregation toward a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the divine.

13. Cultivate a Community

Your church’s community should be built on bonding events and activities. Some ideas to consider include:

  1. Host Varied Events: Diversify the activities you offer. While spiritual events like Bible study sessions are pivotal, recreational ones like picnics or talent shows can foster camaraderie and showcase diverse talents within the congregation.
  2. Promote Small Groups: By creating specialized circles or groups – be it for new moms, singles, or hobbyists – you’re providing an avenue for members to bond over shared experiences or interests. These intimate settings can lead to deeper conversations and connections.
  3. Empower Church Members: Let your congregation take the lead on certain initiatives. By assigning responsibilities or encouraging them to spearhead events, you not only lighten the leadership’s load but also give members a sense of purpose and belonging within the church.
  4. Establish Support Systems: Whether it’s a mentorship program or counseling services, ensure members have channels to seek support during challenging times.

14. Develop Outreach and Evangelism Strategies

Evangelism and outreach activities are instrumental in ensuring the church grows its membership and maintains a robust connection with the community. Implementing these strategies can lead to a stronger, more involved congregation.

  1. Identify the Target Audience: Determine which demographic or community group you want to focus on initially.
  2. Craft a Clear Message: Define the core message you want to communicate to potential new members or beneficiaries of your outreach.
  3. Utilize Digital Platforms: Make use of social media, websites, and email campaigns to spread the word. Consider live-streaming events or sermons to reach a broader audience.
  4. Organize Community Events: Host community drives, charity events, or free community meals to foster goodwill and introduce your church to the larger community.
  5. Collaborate With Local Organizations: Partner with other local nonprofits or businesses for joint initiatives, increasing your church’s visibility.
  6. Train Members for Evangelism: Offer courses or workshops to educate and inspire current members to spread the word about your church in their daily interactions.

15. Implement Systems for Continuous Feedback and Growth

A thriving church is one that adapts and grows. Regular feedback from the congregation and volunteers can provide invaluable insights into areas of improvement, fostering a positive environment.

  1. Introduce Suggestion Boxes: Whether physically in the church or digitally on your website, allow members to a place to provide anonymous feedback.
  2. Conduct Regular Surveys: Use online platforms like SurveyMonkey to create surveys that gauge member satisfaction and solicit ideas for improvement.
  3. Host Town Hall Meetings: Organize monthly or quarterly meetings where members can openly discuss their concerns and suggestions or provide feedback on recent events or services.
  4. Review Feedback with Church Leaders: Schedule regular review sessions with the church’s leadership team to discuss feedback and decide on actionable steps.
  5. Implement Feedback Mechanisms for Volunteers: Ensure that there’s a separate channel for volunteers to communicate their feedback, ensuring they feel valued and heard.
  6. Celebrate Successes: When you make positive changes or achieve milestones based on feedback, celebrate them with the congregation, reinforcing the importance of their input.

By focusing on feedback and growth, your church will not only cater better to its existing members but will also make itself more appealing to potential new ones.

Starting a Church With No Members

Starting a church without an initial congregation is a daunting yet not uncommon venture. Here’s how you can embark on this spiritual journey:

Legal Foundations

Setting up the legal framework is essential, regardless of the size of your congregation. 

Most states mandate that roles like president, secretary, and treasurer be filled by different, unrelated individuals during incorporation. This can be challenging with no initial members, but consider recruiting trusted individuals from your personal network to fill these roles temporarily.

Building a Congregation

Without an initial congregation for your church, your focus should be on outreach:

  1. Hold Informal Gatherings: Before formal services, consider hosting bible study sessions or community events in your home or a rented space.
  2. Leverage Digital Platforms: Use social media and church-related online forums to connect with potential members and announce church activities.
  3. Engage With the Broader Community: Volunteer at community events, aligning your church’s mission with local causes.
  4. Network With Established Churches: They might introduce you to individuals in their congregation looking for something different or help you reach potential members.

Remember, starting with no members offers a unique advantage: a blank canvas to mold a community that truly reflects your church’s mission and vision. The key is persistence, authentic outreach, and faith in your purpose.

Church Planting

Church planting is a term that’s often thrown around in religious circles, but its depth and significance cannot be overstated, especially for those eager to start a new church. 

Fundamentally, the church planting process refers to the deliberate establishment of new local churches, typically initiated by an already established church or denomination.

Benefits of Church Planting

  • Resource Sharing: Starting your own church requires considerable resources – both material and intangible. By being part of a church planting initiative, new churches can tap into shared resources, such as hymnals, training manuals, or even monetary assistance.
  • Guidance & Mentorship: New church leaders can significantly benefit from the mentorship of seasoned leaders who’ve walked the path before and can offer guidance to avoid potential pitfalls.
  • Framework Utilization: An existing framework, birthed from years of experience and refinement, can be a boon for those unsure about how to proceed. Established operational bylaws, foundational beliefs, and outreach programs can be adapted and molded to suit the unique essence of the new church.
  • Community Support: A new church under the aegis of a larger parent organization can lean on an established congregation for initial support, attendance, and word-of-mouth promotion.

Adopting Church Planting Practices

  1. Research & Connect: Seek out churches or denominations known for their successful church-planting initiatives. Many have dedicated teams or departments focused on this.
  2. Attend Workshops: Often, church planting organizations host workshops or seminars. These are invaluable for networking and education.
  3. Collaborate: If your vision aligns, collaborate with an existing church to nurture your new church until it’s strong enough to stand independently.
  4. Continuous Feedback: As your church grows, maintain communication with your parent organization. Their feedback, based on a wealth of experience, can guide improvements.

For those starting a church, understanding and leveraging church planting isn’t just about convenience; it’s about building on the foundations laid by others, ensuring that the new church has the best possible start in its spiritual journey.


How much does it cost to start a church?

The costs associated with starting a church can vary significantly based on location, size, and other factors. Expenses may include renting or purchasing property, legal fees for nonprofit formation services, initial outreach efforts, and costs related to worship services. Using a nonprofit formation service can make the process more efficient and cost-effective.

Can anyone start a church?

Yes, theoretically, anyone can initiate the process of starting a church. However, it’s essential to follow the specific legal and administrative steps required in your state. Additionally, having a clear spiritual vision, mission, and foundational beliefs will greatly aid in its success.

How long does it take to start a church?

The timeline for starting a church can vary widely. Some churches start within months, while others might take years to fully establish. Factors that influence the timeline include legal procedures, building or renting a space, gathering a congregation, and securing funding.

Do churches pay taxes?

Churches that have secured 501c3 tax-exempt status are exempt from federal income tax. However, churches might still be liable for other types of taxes, such as payroll taxes for employees. It’s crucial to ensure all legal requirements are met to maintain this tax-exempt status.

How do I grow my church congregation?

Building a thriving church community requires a mix of outreach, engaging worship services, and fostering genuine connections among members. Regular events, community involvement, and digital presence through websites or social media can also aid in growth.

Can I start a church without a physical building?

Yes. Many churches begin as home-based congregations or utilize rented spaces before acquiring their own property. In fact, starting a church in your home can offer a more intimate setting for building initial relationships.

What’s the difference between a church and a ministry?

While both churches and ministries aim to spread religious teachings, a church is typically a place of worship with a regular congregation, while a ministry might be an outreach program or service organization affiliated with a church or functioning independently.